Bonus Solo Episode: Season 1 Finale With Taylor Rae Almonte-Roman


Thank you so much for supporting Season 1 of On the Outside.


Taylor Rae Almonte-Roman

Hey, hey and welcome back to our final episode of season one of “On the Outside”. Oh, my gosh, friends. I cannot believe this is our final episode of season one. Once again, it is your host Taylor Rae and this is it. I have recorded 36 episodes in our first season and this is my final one. I really just wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on the last several months that I've been working on the show and really thank you guys for listening, for supporting, for reviewing and for just being along for the ride of starting this podcast. I am so excited for the future of the show. I started on the outside as you may know from my first few episodes because I've felt like an outsider so many times in my life. And so many of you guys have also whether it's because of our race, gender, identity, sexuality, disabilities, mental illnesses, socio-economic status, so many intersections of our identities.

There are so many things that have made so many of you that have been a part of this community feel like outsiders. What I found is that there is so so, so much beauty and seeing that so many people really share those feelings. It doesn't diminish how hard it is because, you know, while so many people on this show talked about the ways that they felt like outsiders, those are not always things that we wear out on our sleeve when we walk around the world.

So a lot of times you feel like you're the only one I hope this season has really showed you that you're not the only one that I see you that I'm with you and so many other people are as well as I wrap up season one and reflect on this journey. I'm so excited for what's to come in future seasons. When I started planning for this first season, I already knew what I wanted to do up to season four.

So I have the vision. I have a plan and I really can't wait for you guys to see it next season. I'm so so excited to be focusing more on the world of sports, fitness and wellness and telling stories about ways that people have felt on the outside of those communities as someone that found sports very late in life, as someone that came, became an athlete as an adult.

This is a story that I have to share and there are so many other stories that I cannot wait to hear and to discuss as well. I am hoping that over the next few weeks while we have a break between season one and season two that you guys just reach out, let me know your thoughts, share reviews on Apple podcasts and on Spotify, send me D MS to the on the outside Instagram or my personal Instagram and just let me know what you really loved about.

This season. I tried three different formats for the show and definitely found some things that worked and that y'all responded to and some things that I'm not going to continue in the next season. Ok. But I knew there was gonna be a lot of trial and error. And I'm honestly really proud of myself for making it through creating a product and a show that I felt and continue to feel really proud of that.

I think really sounds great and really reflects how I feel about the world around me and the world that I want to help create. Once again, thank you so much for being here with me, for listening, for engaging. I hope that you learned something, I hope that you are more open to engaging with people that you might feel like have no, nothing in common with you and that you're really able to see that we are more alike than we are different, not in the way that's, you know, ignorant of the

forms of oppression that so many of us face. But just, you know, I think that you've seen that through this season that that could be true and all of the other things can be equally as true and real. I am so happy that I had the opportunity to bring this season to you. I cannot wait to look back on this five years from now and see where the podcast goes.

And I think that's all for now. Friends make sure you keep an eye out on social. That's where I'll be sharing when our next season is getting started. And that's, that's it for me. That's it. For season one. I see you. I'm with you, see you out there.


S1 E12: Growing Up As A First Gen American, Fitness And Wellness In NYC, Living With Fibroids With Tara Nicolas